What Then Is This Faith You Have Sought To Preserve?

The Traditional Anglican Faith is thoroughly grounded in Holy Scripture. We believe “….the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the authentic record of God’s revelation of Himself, His saving activity, and moral demands – a revelation valid for all men and for all time.” The Apocrypha is also used in our worship; being read for instruction it is not used to prove doctrine. We hold that the ancient Creeds – the Apostles’ and Nicene express the Faith of the Church and are to be understood as they are written. These Creeds, which come to us from the ancient councils and Fathers, summarize the faith “once delivered to the saints” (St Jude 3). By them we are taught that God is one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; that God the Son became man, born of a virgin as our Lord Jesus Christ; that by our Lord’s sinless life, death and resurrection, He gained access for us to God the Father and opened the way far us to be children of God (joint heirs by adoption) with the Son, and to live with Him for all eternity. On Christian morality, we believe that “every Christian is obliged to form his conscience by the Divine Moral Law and the Mind of Christ as revealed In Holy Scriptures and by the teachings and Tradition of the Church.” Such teaching is especially seen in the Sermon on the Mount (St. Matthew 5, 6, and 7) and in our Lord’ s Summary of the law, which states that we must first love God with our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbors as ourselves.